* DUAT weather contractions data base, extracted from AOPA pilot handbook. * By Mike Friedman, Small Systems Specialists, 3/1990. * Format: Alternating lines of contraction and expansion. * Comment lines preceeded by a "*" ABNML abnormal ABV above ACLD above clouds ACLT accelerate ACRS across ACSL standing lenticular ACYC anitcyclonic ADVN advance ADZY advisory AFCT affect AFT after AFDK after dark AFTN afternoon AHD ahead ALQDS all quadrants ALG along ALT altitude ALTN alternate AMD ammend AMS atmosphere APCH approach APPRS appears AOA at or above AOB at or below ARND around ARPT airport ASSOCD associated AWX account weather B beginning BCMG becomming BCMS becomes BD blowing dust BN blowing sand BS blowing snow BFDK before dark BGN begin BHND behind BINOVC breaks in overcast BL between layers BLD build BLO below BLZD blizzard BDRY boundry BKN broken BNTH beneath BOVC base of overcast BRAF braking action fair BRAG braking action good BRAP braking action poor BRAN braking action nil BRKHIC breaks hi overcast BTR better BTWN between BYD beyond C ceiling CAT clr air turbulence CAUFN caution advised CAVOK clear below 5000 ft CAVU clear, vis 10 miles CB cumulonimbus CC cirrocumulus CDFNT cold front CIG ceiling CIGS ceilings CLD cloud CLDS clouds CLR clear CLRS clear and smooth CNTR center CNTRL central CNTY county CNVTN convection CNVTV convective CONDS conditions CONT continue CONTG continuing CONVG converging CS cirrostratus CST coast CSTL coastal CTN caution CU cumulus CVR cover CYC cyclonic D dust DALGT daylight DFUS diffuse DLA delay DNS dense DNSLP downslope DP deep DRFT drift DRZL drizzle DSIPT dissipate DTRT deteriorate DURG during DVLP develop DWNDFTS downdrafts DWPNT dew point DVLPD developed DVLPMT development E estimated ELSW elsewhere ERN eastern EMBDD embedded EWD eastward EXCP except EXTDS extends EXTRM extreme EXTN extension EXTV extensive F fog FA Area forcast: FCST forcast FLG falling FLT flight FLO flow FNT front FWL follow FREQ frequency FM from FRMN formation FROPA frontal passage FRST frost FRZ freeze FRZLVL freezing level FT Terminal forcast: FVRBL favorable G gust GENLY generally GFDEP ground fog depth GNDFG ground fog GRAD gradient GRDL gradual GTR greater H haze HAZ hazzard HDEP haze depth HDFRZ hard freeze HDWND head wind HGT height HGTS heights HLF half HLSTO hail stones HLYR haze layer aloft HRS hours HRZN horizon HURCN hurricane HVY heavy IC ice crystals IF ice fog IP ice pellets IPW ice pellet showers ICG icing ICGIC icing in clouds ICGICIP ice & precip clouds ICGIP icing in precip IMT immediate INCL include INCR increase INDC indicates INDEF indefinate INFO information INST instrument INSTBY instability INTMT intermittent INTS intense INTSFCN intensification INVOF in the vicinity of INVRN inversion IOVC in the overcast IPV improve IR icy runway ISOLD isolated IVFRC in VFR conditions JTSTR jet stream K smoke KDEP smoke depth KLYR smoke layer aloft KT knots KTS knots L drizzle LCL local LCLY locally LCTD located LKLY likely LKY likely LGT light LLWS low level windshear LN line LTG lightning LTNG lightning LTGCC in-cloud lightning LTGCCCG cld-cld-gnd litning LTGCG cloud-gnd lightning LTGCW cloud-water litning LTGIC cloud lightning LTLCG little change LTST latest LVL level LYRD layered M measured ceiling MAX maximum MB millibars MDFY millibars MDFY modify MDT moderate MEGG merging MFV forward visibility MNLD mainland MOGR moderate or greater MOVD moved MOVG moving MRGL marginal MSTR moisture MXD mixed MTN mountain MTNS mountains MTNUS mountainous NCWX no change in weather NERN north eastern NRN northern NGT night NMRS numerous NR number NRW narrow NS nimbostratus NXT next OAT outside air temp OBSC obscure OBSCD obscured OBSCN obscuration OCFNT occluded front OCLN occlusion OCNL occational OCR occur OCRG occuring OFP occluded frt passage OFSHR off shore OMTNS over mountains ONSHR on shore OTLK outlook OV Location: OVC overcast OVR over OVRNG overrunning PBL probable PCPN precipitation PIREP pilot report PNHDL panhandle PRCTNS precautions PRES pressure PRESFR pressure falling PRESRR pressure rising PRST persist PSBL possible PSN position PSR packed snow n runway PTCHY patchy PTN portion PTNS portions PVL prevail Q squall QSTNRY quasistationary QUAD quadrant R rain RDR radar RM Remarks: RNFL rainfall RS Regular/Special obs: RW rain showers RAFL rainfall RAREP radar wx report RESTR restrict RGD ragged RH relitive humidity RPD rapid RPRT report RSG rising RTE route RTRN return RVR runway visual range S snow SA Scheduled obs: SC stratocumulus SG snow grains SGFNT significant SHUD should SK sky cover SW snow showers SCT scattered SFC surface SHFT shift SHWR shower SKC sky clear SKED schedule SL sea level SLGTLY slightly SLGT slight SLO slow SLPG slipping SLR slush on runway SML small SMTH smooth SNW snow SNWFL snowfall SNFLK snowflake SPRDG spreading SQAL squall SQLN squall line SR sunrise SRN southern SS sunset ST stratus STBLZ stabilize STDY steady STG strong STGST strongest STL/CVG satellite coverage STM storm STMS storms SUGS suggests SVR severe SVRL several SXNS sections T thunderstorm TA Temperature: TB Turbulence: TAS true airspeed TCU towering cumulus TDA today TEMP temperature THDR thunder THK thick THN thin THSD thousand THRUT throughout TLWD tail wind TMPRY temporary TMW tomorrow TNDCY tendency TNGT tonight TOVC top of overcast TRML terminal TROF trough TROP tropopause TRRN terrain TRW thunderstorm TSHWR thundershower TSQLS thundersqualls TSTM thunderstorm TSTMS thunderstorms TURBC turbulence TURBT turbulent TWD toward TWRG towering TP Craft type: U intensity unknown UA Pirep: UDDF up & down drafts UNKN unknown UNL unlimited UNSTBL unstable UNSTDY unsteady UPDRFTS updrafts UPR upper UPSLP upslope UWNDS upper winds V variable VLNT violent VRBL variable VRY very VSBY visibility VSBYS visibilities W indefinate WA airmet WDLY widely WDSPRD widespread WFP warm frontal passage WK weak WKNG weakening WLY westerly WND wind WNDS winds WNDSHR wind shear WR wet runway WRM warm WRMING warming WRMNG warming WRN western WRMFNT warm front WS sigmet WTRS waters WSHFT wind shift WW weather warning WX weather X obscuration XCP except XPC expect XPCD expected XTND extend XTNDS extends YDA yesterday ZL freezing drizzle ZR frezzing rain * * *